Friday, 3 August 2007

John Piper speaking on the 'Cosmic Child Abuse' teaching of Steve Chalke

John Piper attacks the teaching that calls the atonement theory of the cross a form of 'Cosmic Child Abuse'.I would appreciate your views. Postmodern Christians certainly will find this video hard to take: How can a God of love kill his own Son for sins He did not commit? Does the Bible teach it? Do we misunderstand what the Bible teaches or is it that though the Bible does teach, it is wrong?


Andrew Kenny said...

John Piper certainly doesn't mince his words when he believes a crucial doctrine such as the penal substitution of Christ on the cross is at stake.CertainlyI believe Christ's death was more than just this but surely not less. On the cross he did reveal his great love humankind:For God so loved the world that He gave...But also on the cross he was to take our sinful nature:'I have been crucified with Christ' said Paul. It was also Christ's victory over Satan:'And they overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony for they loved not their lives on to death.'

THat God should love us and give up his Son for us is surely the most wonderful thing since the begining of time. As Charles Wesley writes:

And Can it be that I should gain an interest in the Saviour's blood.
Died he who caused his pain
for me who Him to death pursued.
Amazing love how can it be that thou my God shouldst die for me.

Anonymous said...

Have to say, although Piper is sometimes hard to listen to, he is definately spot on with this, and the ferosity(sp?) in the nature of his talk is totally justified as I believe what Chalke is teaching is very dangerous in our post christian culture.

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